Jolly Dark, rainy start to February

Well, as some parts of the country have blankets of snow, up here in our part of West Wales we have rain, lots and lots of rain.   It has hardly got light today, so dreary but there are little glimpse of Spring, a few brave Primroses popping their little heads out, the Hellebores are starting to flower and nod their heads in the wind, birds are eating us out of house and home, filling the garden with happy cheeps and chirps whatever the weather!

I have put a few Valentines offers on my Facebook page, added some new paintings to my website, and I’m considering braving the weather to go and sit in my shed to paint some more affordable scenes for everyone.

Its a quiet time of the year to try to sell Artwork, so I try to think of tempting, affordable little gems!  Keep looking!  

Here is a painting of Hellebores (see my Gallery page of the website) It is a box canvas, mounted into a frame.Helebores